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Black Lives Matter Exhibition at Matigan art space (Berlin)

This is Gallery A where you can see the collection of painting, drawing, sculpture and mixed media. Click on Gallery B for video art, photography and design and on Meet The Artists for getting to know our artists.

Execution of George flyod on May 25, 2020 in the middle of the day and in front of the whole world was one of the clearest evidence of racism and brutality based on color, in 21 century. We clearly saw that human beings are still being tortured and killed for what they are and they didn’t choose themselves, it was such a shock for the humanity for the simple fact that it was captured on cameras.

Discrimination is utterly ugly and wrong but clearly on paper because in reality people are still being targets of it in any form. We hope that in time human beings and mostly political systems reach to an understanding of how to stop this violence, but until then at Matigan as always we tend to translate the common universal feelings through art and the heart of our artists.


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